Edit case

Cases in APEX makes it easy to delegate work orders, communicate in the same channel and, not to forget, save time.

This is a guide for real estate developers, builders and entrepreneurs that use APEX.

Table of contents

Start editing a case

Case name and description


Field and contractor

Case manager



Other sections

How to find the list of cases in APEX:

  • Sign in to APEX.
  • The list of cases is by default the first thing you see after signing in.
  • If not, you find the list if cases by clicking the top-left menu button.
  • Then choose "Cases" from the menu list.

Start editing a case

  • Click or press on your chosen case in the list of cases.
    • The case will appear to the left of, or layered over your list of cases, depending on the device you are using.
  • There will be two fields at the top of the case-window; the case number, and "Edit".
  • Click or press "Edit" on your chosen case, to edit the information in that case.

Case name and description

The name of a case should give a quick rendering of what the case itself is about, and in as few words as possible. If more information is needed, then the field "description" can be used to further add information and context to the case.


Connect the case to a category, in order to make out where the case came from. This will also make it easier to categorize and filter cases later, and control customer view-access. Here are the categories to choose from:

Category Visible for customer
Other No
Deviation No
Inspection commonarea Yes
Opreations No
One year inspection Yes
Completion inspection Yes
Preinspection No
Request Yes
Task No
Start-up No
Takeover inspection Yes
Projecting No
Trial operations No
Claim Yes
Addon Yes
Maintenance No
Safety inspection No

Field and contractor

You can add contractors to fields, in order to differenciate between them and quickly add the correct contractor by just choosing a field. This is done in your project, and can be read about further here. A field can be chosen in the case, if there is already been assigned a project for the case.

Case manager

The case manager can be changed on each individual case by searching for and add a contractor in the field "Case manager".


This is a free-text field, and is meant as an extra help to locate where the case is supposed to be worked on.


Here you can choose a tag for a case, and is mostly used for filtering and organizing in later stages. Add a desired tag by typing in your text, and clicking/pressing the drop-down that appears. This can later be used again in other cases, or searched for in filtering.

Other sections

Under "Tags" you can find a couple sections that are meant for further details in the case. Open your preferred section, and edit the details you need. 

  • Property
    This section is only used if you have access to the Object-manager used in commercial operations. Please contact us if this is something you might have a use for, at support@apexapp.io.
  • Project-section
    Here you can edit what project and building the case is connected to. If there are any registered owner and customer to the bulding you are changing, then this will also change in this section.
  • Contractors
    Here you can change or add contractor(s) to the case. The plus-icon on the top-right in the section will let you search for, and add the desired contractor to the case. You can add multiple contractors if needed. There is also a toggle used to notify the contractor. If this is turned on (to the right), your contractor will be notified by e-mail about being added, and if not they will find the case in their cases list.

    If the contractor you are looking for is not registered in APEX yet, then read more about registering a new contractor here.
  • Planned-section
    In this section you fill out the intended time to use on the case. 
  • Checklists
    A checklist can be used as a step-by-step reminder of what is needed in a case. Connect a use a template in order to connect your checklist, and watch the progression as the contractor checks each step.

    You need to have made a template before this step. Read more about making a checklist template here.

Remember to press "Save", located down-right, after you are done with editing the case.