Edit your company

As a company with an active subscription to APEX, and assigned administrator in your own company or organisation, you have the option to edit the company information.

This is a guide for developers, entrepreneurs and administrators in APEX.

How to edit your company

  1. Press the menu to the top left.
  2. Press the "Company and persons" option.
  3. In the search field on the top, search for your company name.
  4. Press the "Open" button on your company card.
  5. IN the overview of your company, press the pencil icon to the top right to take you to editing your company.
  6. Do your desired edit.
  7. Lastly press "Save", to save the change.

Form-fields in company

When editing your company you have a couple form-fields that can be filled out or edited.

  • Organisation number: This is the registered ID of your company, and must be filled out to have a organisation/company created in APEX.
  • Name: Here you can fill out the name of your company, and the same name that will be visible in APEX.
  • Email: This is where you can fill in a contact email-address to the company.
  • Address related info: These are the fields where you can fill out the address/location of the company.
    (Also used by us when we send out the invoice, if you are signet up for a subscription).
    • Address: The address of the company.
    • Postal code: The postal code of the company.
    • City/place: Often associated with the postal code, and should in most cases be filled out automatically (at last with a Norwegian postal code).
    • State/province: This is for the state/region/province of your company address.
    • Country: This is where you fill out the country where your company is located.
  • Phone: The contact phone number of your company.
  • Website: Here you can insert a direct link to your company website, for easy access.
  • Invoice reference: Here you can set a desired reference for the invoices we send. Set a company department, a name for the involved or related project in order to send the invoices to the right place.
  • SMS sender ID: When sending SMS from the system, you can use this field to set an ID as the sender. In our case we could set "APEX" as the sender, and the receivers of our SMSes would see the SMS being sent from "APEX". This has some restrictions:
    • The set ID can be max eleven (11) characters long.
    • The ID must be at least three (3) characters long.
    • The ID can consist of characters A to Z, a to z.
      • (Characters like Ææ, Ää, Øø, Öö, Åå, are not accepted.)
    • The ID can not have three (3) of the same characters directly after eachother. (AAA, aaa, 111.)
    • Space is allowed and counts as one of the eleven (11) characters for the max count.
    • Numbers 0-9 are allowed into the ID.
    • Other special characters are allowed (ex: ^*a,.-_&%¤$).
  • Project Template Folder: Setting up a project template folder, means that these folders will automatically be created in "Files" when you make a new project.
    • Read more about template folders here.
  • Project Entity Folder: Setting up a project entity folder, means that these folders will automatically be created in "Files" when you make a new entity (unit) in a project.
    • Read more about project entity folders here.
  • Logos: Here you can upload the company logo into APEX.
    • Read more about uploading a company logo here.
  • Banners: Here you can upload a banner, that will show up on the personal site for clients.