Filter case list

Filtering in the case list is a useful tool to show specifically the cases you want for a particular item.

This is a guide for builders, contractors and suppliers using APEX.

For example, filter on specific projects, clients and contractor, or whether the case is unread, open or closed.


The filter line
More filters
Indication that a filter is selected

The filter line

In the filter line, you can tick different filters. A raised icon with a circle behind it indicates that this filter is selected, while a gray icon means that the filter is not selected.


apne_saker Cases that are open. Open cases are active cases that have not been completed.

ferdige_saker Cases that have been completed.

salle_saksbehandlere Shows all cases for all case managers in your company, as well as cases for case managers on external projects where you yourself have been set as case manager.

nye_hendelser Cases that have not been read. mark as unread.

flere_filter Opens up the case filter for more filtering options.

i_naerheten If you are on a device with GPS/position services, you can use this to find cases from object projects that are close to you. Assumes that the project has a location, and that you have location services on.

oppdater Updates the case list.

More filters

Press the filter icon for "More filters" flere_filter to bring up more filtering options.
In this, the filters have been divided into tabs, and you can deal with filtering step by step. The tabs include project/object, other data, and contractor and the different disciplines.

  • Unit allows you to see and set filters according to which projects and units you want to see cases for in your case list.
  • Metadata allows you to set filters on general case information, such as if there is a checklist attached, status of the case, categories, sorting, deadline and so on.
    • If you have a digital addon on your project, you can also set a filter on option category. This allows you to get an overview of which cases have options in a certain category.
      NOTE! Here you should also switch on the filter for "all case managers" so that you can be sure that all cases with addons come up.
    • Hide cases with checklists allows you to hide all cases that have a checklist associated with them.
    • Show archived by checking it in the dialog box.
  • Roles allow you to set filters on personnel in the case, such as specific case managers, suppliers, clients and other affiliations that have roles in a case.
    • Missing. If you have several cases where you know that subject areas have not been set, or you just want to check, you can tick "Missing subject area". In the same way, this can be done with the contractor and case manager.
  • Reset your filters by pressing blobid9.png on the right side, or click the shortcut for your caselist  and your filters will be reset.
  • Sorting can be found under the row for filtering, where you can sort the cases by case ID, case name, contractor, customer and unit. In the field next to it, you can choose ascending or descending order.


Indication that a filter is selected flere_filter

When a filter is selected in the filter menu, (which is a selection in the dialog box as explained above) the filter icon will be highlighted to show that a filter is selected. If the icon is colored green, this means that the filter that the button controls is switched on.
This ring will not be filled with color if this filter is not turned on.

Tip! When you have selected the desired filter and want to make changes for all cases within the selected filter, you can use mass editing to edit all cases or, for example, send a message to all suppliers in selected cases. Read more about mass editing here.

Tip! If you want to see how many plumber points there are on the three projects you are responsible for, after for example a takeover - Use the filter menu to tick off the three projects in question, check the box for plumber in the subject area and choose takeover as the category.