Forgot your password

If you have forgotten your password, you can ask to change it.

Follow these steps to reset your password:

Go to

  1. Click this button: Which takes you here:

  2. Enter the e-mail address you are registered with in APEX.
    Note: Here it is important that you enter your e-mail as it is registered. 
    A space at the beginning or end, as well as a capital letter where there shouldn't be one, can put an end to the process.

  3. Click Send.
  4. *The e-mail you recieve will look something like this: 

  5. Click this button: blobid3.png which will take you to the site where you can change your password:

  6. Enter your new password, repeat your new password.
    Note: Your new password must contain at least 8 characters, one number, at least one upper and lower case letter.
  7. Click the button blobid5.png to save your new password. 
  8. When your password has been changed, you will receive the following message:

  9. Click the button blobid7.png where you will be taken back to the login-page. 
  10. Enter your e-mail address and your new password to log in to APEX.