Translate custom text

You can translate APEX in multiple ways, and among those are the ability to translate custom made text in cases and messages.

If you have been sent a message in APEX that is in a language you have a hard time understanding, then you can translate it by supported languages directly in APEX.

If you have a suggestion or need for an added language for translation in APEX, then please reach out to us.


Translations in cases
Translations in messages

Translations in cases

If you need to translate text in a case, then you only have to look for the icon_for_translation icon. This is the general icon for translations, and will translate custom made text, if the translator recognizes the language used. Your text will be translated directly in the same spot as the old text, and show you the new text in your preferred language.

It is mainly the case title that can be translated in the cases themselves. The rest of the fields in cases are controlled by the preferred system language, that you can set in your profile.

Translations in messages

If you need to translate text in messages, then you only need to look for the icon_for_translation icon. This is the general icon for translations, and will translate custom made text, if the translator recognizes the language used. When the icon is pressed, the text will be directly converted at the same spot, to the same language set as your preferred language.

In messages, it is mainly the sent message itself that is translated, if the translator can recognize the language.